Equipping men to be Watchmen of our society
Our desire with our men’s ministry is to see men grow consistent in fellowship, grow deeper in Jesus, and grow larger in compassion and vision for our society, culture, and world.
Ministry Head: Craig (craig@godspeak.com)
Our Ministries

Men of Godspeak! We are starting up our spring session of the Men's Weekly Bible Study on Wednesdays, starting February 12. This session we will be doing an in depth study through the book of Daniel. There will be a workbook that we will be using as well for those who want to go deeper during the week. Join us each Wednesday night at 6:00pm for fellowship and 6:45 as we begin worship.
Men's Spring Bible Study
Wednesdays @ 6 pm

Men. We are brining back the Men's Breakfast starting February 8! This year we are going to be studying SEVEN MEN from the Old Testament that every man should know over the course of the year! Pastors from the church will be bringing the very practical applications to men from the OT characters lives. We are going to begin our series with Abraham and this will be taught by Pastor Rob. So, join us over the course of this year on Saturdays for this insightful Bible Study and Fellowship once a month on Saturday mornings!
Men's Monthly Breakfast
February 8