Upcoming Events

Men of Godspeak! We are starting up our spring session of the Men's Weekly Bible Study on Wednesdays, starting February 12. This session we will be doing an in depth study through the book of Daniel. There will be a workbook that we will be using as well for those who want to go deeper during the week. Join us each Wednesday night at 6:00pm for fellowship and 6:45 as we begin worship.
Men's Bible Study
Wednesday nights @ 6-9 pm

Arnau Benet, M.D, PhD., Director of Cerebrovascular Neurosurgery at Los Robles brings the most advanced neurosurgical care directly to our community. Join us to hear the multiple brain and spine conditions he specializes in. Sign up after the morning services. $5 includes refreshments!
Sonshiners Gathering
March 20 @ 10 am

Watchmen of Godspeak - We are continuing our Saturday Breakfast Bible Study Series of "7 Men of the OT" that every man should know. Saturday, March 8, Pastor Tony is going to be teaching on the character of LOT, who seemed like a compromising failure in the OT but is referred to as "righteous Lot" by Peter in the NT! Go figure! There are a lot of lessons we can learn from studying his life, lessons about what we should not do, as well as lessons on the loving mercy and grace of God. Join us on March 8 at 8:00 am for a delicious breakfast and a good WORD from Pastor Tony. Register below!
Men's Breakfast
March 8 @ 8 am

ABIDE - Spring Women's Bible Study, Study of 1-3 John by Jen Wilkin
Let what you heard from the beginning abide in you. - 1 John 2:24
How can we hold onto assurance of our faith? How can we discern the truth from a lie? How can we know God loves us? In these three short letters, the apostle John reminds an early church facing division, deception, and doubt to hold fast to what they know and to live like they believe it. And he reminds us, as well. In this 10-session Bible study on the letters of 1, 2, and 3, John, Jen Wilkin will help us see how two thousand years later, his words call to Christians in similar challenges to recall a great salvation and to abide in the truth.
DATES: Feb 5/6, 12/13, 26/27, Mar 5/6, 12/13, 26/27, Apr 2/3, 9/10, 23/24, Apr 30/May 1, May 7/8 (possible wrap up potluck & sharing)
Women's Bible Study
Starts February 2025

Uganda Medical Missions Trip 2025 is set for June 14-June 29. We are mobilizing up to 30 people to join us on this trip which will include a week of dental and medical ministry to the communities and islands of Kampala, Entebbe, and the Islands of Lake Victoria. Dentists and medical practitioners needed, but all who are willing and able are welcome as the outreach will include sports, childrens and church outreach as well. The trip will include an add on Safari in a park in Uganda
Uganda Missions Trip
June 14-29

Join Pastor Rob McCoy on the Godspeak Calvary Chapel Israel Tour, happening November 10-20, 2025! Walk in the footsteps of Jesus as we visit Galilee, the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea, Jerusalem, and more. This 11-day journey includes first-class hotels, daily breakfast and dinner, and expert-guided tours, all for a starting price of $4,146 per person. This is a life-changing opportunity—register today and experience the Holy Land like never before!
Israel 2025
November 10-20

Celebrate the resurrection of Christ this Easter by taking the next step in your faith through baptism! Join us for a powerful weekend as we witness lives transformed and publicly declared for Jesus. Baptisms will take place on Saturday, April 19, at 6 PM, and during all three services on Easter Sunday, April 20. If you’ve been considering baptism, this is the perfect opportunity to make a bold statement of faith. We can’t wait to celebrate with you!
Easter Baptisms
April 19-20

In preparation for our upcoming missions trip to Uganda, ShineOn! is hosting a fundraiser dinner to support our medical and dental outreaches. Last year, we provided care to nearly 2,000 people, including 400 receiving essential dental treatments. This year, through our partnerships with HopeSmiles Uganda and Buyamba, we’ll be offering even more advanced dental care—cleanings, cavity repairs, root canals, and crowns—services never before available to these communities. Every patient will also receive prayer and the life-changing message of the Gospel.
Join us on March 28 at 5:30 PM at The Walnut Grove for a free dinner, fellowship, and an inspiring message from guest speaker Ezra Dongo of Buyamba and God Cares High School. Learn how you can be part of this incredible mission—whether by going, giving, or praying. Space is limited, so register today on our app or website!
ShineOn! Missions Appreciation Dinner
March 28
Walnut Grove

Calling all MOMS!
Join us the 3rd Wednesday EVENING (6:30PM-8PM) or 3rd Thursday MORNING (10AM-12PM) of each month!
Biblical Motherhood - a gathering of moms raising children to encourage one another and glean biblical wisdom in mothering. Food and childcare provided.
Biblical Motherhood
March 20 @ 10 am
Community Room